Hotel Katharinenhof  im Naturpark Bayerischer Wald

Travel Tips
in Germany

Routenplaner from WEB.DE
Enter your starting point (in Germany) and destination (Treffelstein).

Ferientermine im In- und Ausland   (national and international vacation periods)

"" offers you an updated schedule of the vacation periods in Germany.

Staumelder   (information about traffic jams)

WEB.DE informs you about traffic jams in a particular land or on the highways throughout Germany and how to avoid them.

Baustellen   (road works on highways)

This service informs you about possible road works on highways and how to pass them.

DB TravelService -  (train schedules and prices)

This link takes you to the Deutsche Bahn TravelService which includes lots of timetables of other transportation companies.